The Aowin Municipal is one of the nine districts in the Western North Region. The municipality was originally part of the then larger Aowin-Amenfi District. In 1988, the Aowin-Suaman District was carved out of the then Aowin-Amenfi District which was further split into the Aowin and Suaman Districts in June, 2012. The Aowin District was later elevated to a Municipal status in March, 2018. The Municipality is located in the southern part of the Western North Region and has Enchi as its capital town.
geographic characteristics
The municipality shares boundaries with Akrontombra District to the North, Suaman District to the North-west, Sefwi-Wiawso to the North-East, Wassa Amenfi West to the East, Jomoro Municipal to the South and La Cote D’voire to the South-West.
The Municipality has the largest land size in the Western North Region, with an estimated land area of 2,717.8with one hundred and ninety-eight (198) communities. The 2024 population of the municipality, based on the 2021 population and housing census is projected to be 142,273.
population and demographics
The dominant ethnic group in the municipality is the Brossa, however, there are some other ethnic groups such as Sefwi, Bono, Ahantas, Asantes, and Nzemas. There are also ethnic groups from the North and other parts of the country as well as from the La-Cote D’voire.. The people in the Municipality are predominantly Christians, representing about 87%, Muslims form about 12% whilst Traditional believers form about 1%.
Most of the communities are mainly rural settlements with farming as the main occupation.
The condition of the road network across the municipality is very poor. Mobility is mostly difficult in most parts of the municipality, especially during the rainy season.
For purposes of health administration, the municipality has been divided into 9 sub-districts, namely, Achimfo; Adjuom; Akontombra Nwanta; Aquai-Allah; Boinso; Ench; New Gyasikrom; Sewum; and Yiwabra Sub-districts. There are 43 health facilities in the municipality providing clinical and public health services. The health facilities comprise of 1 District hospital, 11 Health Centres, 4 clinics, and 27 CHPS compounds.
The ownership of the health facilities are as follows; public-35, CHAG- 6, and private- 2. The Enchi Government Hospital which serves as the main referral hospital in the Municipality has a bed complement of 89 with 6 Doctors.
Figure 1.1: District map of Aowin showing Types of facilities within subdistrict