
Sefwi Wiawso Municipality, situated in the Western North Region, covers 1,011.6 square kilometers between latitudes 6°N and 6°30’N and longitudes 2°45’W and 2°15’W. It is bordered by the Ahafo Region to the north, Juabeso and Bia to the west, Aowin-Suaman to the south, Bibiani-Anhwiaso-Bekwai district to the east, and Wassa Amenfi West to the southeast. The municipality encompasses 195 communities across seven sub-municipals, namely Wiawso, Anyianbrim, Asafo, Paboase, Asawinso, Abrabra, and Datano, essential for health services.

geographic characteristics

The geology of the municipality is mainly the Lower and Upper Birimian types, with the Lower Birimian formation to the East and North Eastern part of the municipality., within a tropical rainforest climate with temperatures of 25°C to 30°C year-round and annual rainfall of 1,524mm to 1,780mm, exhibiting a bimodal pattern peaking in June-July and September-October, ideal for agriculture.

population and demographics

Demographically, Sefwi Wiawso municipality is made up of approximately 161,474 residents with a 2.0% annual growth rate, supporting key segments like Women in Fertility Age (WIFA) representing 24% of the total population amounting to 37,833 individuals, Expected Pregnancies constituting 4% of the population totaling 6,459 pregnancies, Children under one year also at 4% accounting for 6,459 infants, Children less than five years making up 20% of the population with 32,295 children in this age group, and Children between 6-59 months represent 18% of the population, totaling 29,065.


There is a robust healthcare infrastructure comprising 56 facilities across public, private, and CHAG sectors, including hospitals, health centers, clinics, maternity homes, and CHPS compounds.

Figure 1.1: District map of Sefwi Wiawso showing health facilities


The municipality has schools catering to the educational needs of its residents, made up of both public and private. The schools in the municipality consists of 139 KGs, 140 primary schools, 115 junior high schools (JHS), and 5 senior high schools (SHS). There are three (3) training institutions made up of one (1) teacher training school and two (2) nursing training schools.


While the road network primarily consists of untarred feeder roads, essential social amenities such as water, electricity, and telecommunication services are available in most communities in the municipality. Sanitation facilities encompass a range of services aimed at addressing waste management and public health concerns. These include household pit latrines and improved toilet facilities widely used for managing human waste, alongside public toilets strategically located in markets, bus stations, and other public areas to cater to residents and visitors alike. The municipality operates waste management systems that involve regular collection and disposal of solid waste, sometimes incorporating recycling initiatives to promote sustainability. Access to water and sewerage systems varies across different areas, with some relying on piped water and sewerage infrastructure while others use boreholes, wells, or communal standpipes for water supply.


Sefwi Wiawso Municipality ensures the safety and security of its residents through the presence of security agencies. These include the police force, fire service, immigration officials, and forestry authorities, working collaboratively to maintain law and order, respond to emergencies, and protect the natural environment within the municipality.

vegetation and festival

The people of Sefwi Wiawso Municipality are primarily engaged in agriculture. Cocoa farming is the predominant agricultural activity, with the area known for producing high- quality cocoa beans. Other crops grown include plantains, maize, cassava, and oil palm. The municipality has some small-scale mining activities, particularly in gold mining; additionally, trading, handicrafts, transportation, and various service industries are significant occupations. The chieftaincy system in Sefwi Wiawso plays a significant role in the governance, cultural identity, and community cohesion of the municipality. Chiefs often collaborate with local government authorities to address community issues, promote development initiatives, and ensure the well-being of their subjects. The chiefs and people of the Sefwi-Wiawso traditional area celebrate the Eluo Festival (Yam). The festival brings together people for the planning of development and sews bonds of unity and friendship.


DDHS- Sefwi Wiawso Municipal