The Wassa Amenfi West Municipal is one of the fourteen (14) Municipals in the Western Region and it is situated in the northern part of the region and shares borders with, Sefwi Akontonbra to the North, Jomoro and Ellembele to the south, Wassa Amenfi Central to the East and Aowin to the West. The Municipality has Asankrangwa as its administrative capital and it is 240 km away from the regional capital, Sekond-Takoradi.
location and Land size
It has an estimated total land of 1,448.56 sq km; representing 6.1% of the size of the region. The projected population for 2024 is 140,749 with males dominating with 50.5% (71,079) and female 49.5% (69,670). (Source – 2021 Population and Housing Census, Ghana Statistical Service) using an annual growth rate of 2%. The Municipality is mainly Wassa who form majority part of the population.
However, there is a fair representation of all the major ethnic groups (Nzimas, Ashantis, Brongs, Akwapims, Dagartis and Ewes) from both the southern and northern part of the country, who are resident in the Municipality.
The major occupation of the people is farming and trading in farm produce. Significantly, there are a number of settler farmers from other regions in the country who are resident in the Municipality. Some of these farmers move in response to climatic changes and seasonal farming activities.
political administration
The Political administrative function of the Wassa Amenfi West Municipality rests with the Municipal Assembly as the highest decision-making body and it is headed by a Chief Executive who is appointed by the President, with endorsement by two-thirds of the Assembly members. The Municipal Assembly has responsibility for the overall development of all areas under its jurisdiction. Administratively, the assembly is composed of lower level structures such as Town and Area Councils and Unit Committees. There are 161 communities and 18 electoral areas.
Wassa is the dominant ethnic group in the Municipality. However, there are other minor ethnic groups such as (Nzimas, Ashantis, Brongs, Akwapims, Dagaabas, Ewes and Sefwis). The presence of other ethnic groups is explained by the presence of migrants who seek employment in the agricultural, mining and other sectors of the economy of the Municipality. The Wassa’s are culturally homogeneous with respect to lineage, inheritance and succession. The practice of inheritance is observed by the matrilineal system of kinship and descent.
Administrative sub-municipalities and health facilities
For health administrative purpose, the Municipality has been zoned into eight (8) sub-Municipalities namely: Asankran-Breman, Asankran-Saa, Asankrangwa, Attobrakrom, Bisaaso, Gravel Yard, Samreboi and Wassa Dunkwa.
The Municipality has sixty-one (61) health facilities that are evenly distributed. These facilities comprise of a four (4) Hospitals, three (3) Health Centres, four (4) Private Clinics, a Maternity Home, and forty-nine (49) Functional CHPS.
Table 1: Distribution of 2024 Population By Sub-Municipalities
Sub-Municipals | Total Pop | WIFA Pop
(24%) |
Expected deliveries (4%) | Pop 6-59 months(18%) | Pop < 5 years(20%) | Pop 6-11 months(2%) | Pop 24-59 months (12%) |
Asankran Breman | 16,327 | 3,918 | 653 | 2,939 | 3,265 | 327 | 1,959 |
Asankran-Saa | 9,852 | 2,268 | 394 | 1,773 | 1,970 | 197 | 1,182 |
Asankrangwa | 22,661 | 5,439 | 906 | 4,079 | 4,532 | 453 | 2,719 |
Attobrakrom | 11,682 | 2,804 | 467 | 2,103 | 2,336 | 234 | 1,402 |
Bisaaso | 20,549 | 4,932 | 822 | 3,699 | 4,110 | 411 | 2,66 |
Gravel Yard | 21,675 | 5,202 | 867 | 3,902 | 4,335 | 434 | 2,601 |
Samreboi | 25,616 | 6,148 | 1,025 | 4,611 | 5,123 | 512 | 3,074 |
Wassa Dunkwa | 12,386 | 2,973 | 495 | 2,229 | 2,477 | 248 | 1,486 |
Municipal Total | 140,749 | 33,780 | 5,630 | 25,335 | 28,150 | 2,815 | 16,890 |
The WIFA population of the Municipality (33,780) thus 24% of the total population whilst the Under 1 or expected pregnancy (5,630) is 4% of the total population.
The vision of the Wassa Amenfi West Municipal Health Directorate is to create a Model Health Municipal with established health systems that ensure a healthy and productive population that produces itself safely through:
* Transformational leadership
* Self-motivation and staff commitment
* Innovation
* Inter-sectoral Collaboration
* Effective community participation
To provide efficient, effective and accessible quality health services with emphasis on CHPS/Primary Health Care through the Network of Practice (NoP) strategy in accordance with national guidelines and policies.