
The municipality has a total of 40 facilities made up of 2 hospitals, 6 Health Centres, 28 CHPS zones with 12 having compounds and 4 clinics. Out of these 40 facilities 18 are providing maternal health services. With total of 438 established workforce made up of 107 males and 331 females with 18 casuals. We have five sub-Municipal (Akatsi, Gefia, Avenorpeme, Avenorpedo and Wute). The Municipal used to be part of Ketu district and in 1988 Akatsi district was created administratively but remained under ketu district health administration until 1993 when it started operating as District Health Directorate.

Map of Akatsi South District

The municipality has a total population of 97,199 with the following distribution:

Total Population 97,199
WIFA 23,328
0-11mths 3,888
12-23mths 3,888
24-59mths 11,644
Expected Pregnancy 3,888
Adolescents 21,773
Vitamin A (6-59mths) 17,496
Female 52,390
Male 44,809

The Akatsi South Municipal Health Directorate is governed by the policies of the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health. It is headed by a Municipal Health Director who oversees various health programs and initiatives aimed at improving health outcomes in all communities. The directorate collaborates with local government, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders to implement health interventions and programs. The health facilities in Akatsi South Municipal render wide range of services which include: Outpatient services, Inpatient services, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health services, Reproductive and adolescent health services, HIV/AIDS and TB services, Mental health services, Health promotion and education, Immunization, Surveillance, Health information data capture, Nutrition.

Ms. Alornyo Justine Sefakor Abla

DDHS- Akatsi South Municipal