
Gushegu Municipal Assembly is one of Sixteen (16) administrative Districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. The Municipality is located in the Northeastern corridor of Northern Region. The Municipality was established by the Legislative Instrument (LI) 1783. It was carved out of the then Eastern Dagomba Municipal in 1988. The Municipality was inaugurated and started operating on 20th March 1993 at the District capital Gushegu and upgraded to a Municipality status in 2017 with LI 16.

The Municipal Capital is located at the Northeastern Corridor of the region, and it is bordered by eight other Districts in the region, namely; Savelugu, Nanton and Karaga Districts to the west, Saboba and Chereponi to the east, East Mamprusi and Bunkurugu/Yunyoo to the north, Yendi and Mion to the South. The Municipality has a total land area of approximately 2,674.1 km2. The Municipality has 395 communities, with the capital located in Gushegu, which is about 114 km from the Regional capital, Tamale.

Vision Statement

A Municipality where there is equal access to social services through equitable distribution of development projects and programmes, equal access to available economic opportunities, sustained environment, accelerated economic growth and respect for human right and social justice.

Mission Statement

Gushegu Municipal Assembly exist to improve on the living conditions of the people in the Municipality through the provision of Social and Economic infrastructure and to ensure a peaceful and secure environment for business. This is to be achieved in partnership with the private sector and other development agents with a well-trained and motivated staff.


Population size and distribution According to Lebreton et al (1992), the most fundamental demographic parameter is the number of individuals within a population. This is because large populations experience their own problems. It means that as a population approaches the maximum sustainable size, known as carrying capacity, there is greater experience of competition for resources. The total population of the Municipality is 139,662 comprising 68,434 males (49%) and 71,228 (51%) females using the Municipal growth rate of 2.3%. The current population is based on a projection 111,256 PHC 2010 data. The population distribution of the Municipality account 60% of the household members aged between 0 to 17 years. Largely, the two demographic characteristics of population that receive most attention in population analyses are age and sex. Age and sex are two attributes that largely influence an individual’s role in society (Riyaza, 2000). The age-sex structure of a population indicates the relative number of males and females and the relative numbers at each age group. This is of prime importance as it informs planning of all kinds and also measures potentials in school, voting, and manpower populations. The balance of the sex affects social and economic relationships within a community. The total population of the Municipal is 139,662 which comprises of 51% of females and slightly more than males (49%). The Municipality has 46% of its population being children (0 -14 years), 49.2% are between 15 to 64 years and only close to 4% are 65 years and above. The working age population, 15-64 years have more females (53.1%) than males (46.9 %).

George Kwabena Abraham

DDHS-Gushegu Municipal