
Sekyere East is situated on the North Eastern part of Ashanti Region with Effiduase as its district Capital.

Using the GPS Coordinates, it is located on longitude 1.21’ and 1.6’ East, and latitude 6.49’ North.

land boundaries

The District shares boundaries with Sekyere Kumawu to North East, to South East is Asante Akim Central, South West is Juabeng Municipal and to the West is Sekyere South.

land size

Sekyere Afram Plains and Sekyere Kumawu Districts were carved out from Sekyere East District hence the district now covers an estimated area of about 730.5sqkm and has thirty-eight

(38) settlements of various sizes.


The vegetation in the district is mostly moist deciduous forest. Food production in the district is very good and food is available throughout the year.

Farming remains the dominant occupation in the district. Farmers of the southern sector are mostly engaged in the production of root and tubers and maize. A good number of women and young men are involved in various kinds of trading due to the district’s proximity to Kumasi, the regional capital. The youth are engaged in Hairdressing, Barbering, Shoemaking, driving and mechanic activities.


There are markets in almost every community in the district, but the major markets are located in only three communities which are Effiduasi, Asokore and Nkwankwanua.

water supply

Most of the communities in the district have portable drinking water. These are mostly boreholes or hand-dug wells.

Population distribution

The total population for the district is 79600. The district has four sub-districts. They are Effiduase, Asokore, Mponua and Nyanfa.

district and sub Districts population indices





2024 WIFA Expected Preg. Childre n <1yr Pop. <5 yrs (0-


School age


0 – 14yrs Adolescent 15-


A (<6)

h Rate




4.0% 4.0% 20.0% 26.0% 41.63


21.8% 52.47


1 Asokore 20696 4967 828 828 4139 5381 8616 4512 10859 1
2 Effiduas e 28656 6877 1146 1146 5731 7451 11930 6247 15036 1
3 Mponua 11940 2866 478 478 2388 3104 4971 2603 6265 1
4 Nyanfa 18308 4394 732 732 3662 4760 7622 3991 9606 1
District Total 79600 19104 3184 3184 15920 20696 33138 17353 41766 4

healthcare delivery

Act 523 established the Ghana health service as a public service body. It is responsible for the implementation of national policies. The service works under the Ministry of Health through a governing council. The regional health directorate directly supervise the district levels.

Sekyere East district has been demarcated into 4 sub-districts with at least one health facility in each sub district to ensure smooth administration of health services. It has been demarcated into 26 CHPS zones as per the number of electoral areas. It is anticipated that each electoral area should get a health facility.

distribution of health facilities in the district

Sub –


Hospital Health Centre Maternity




Asokore Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital Akokoaso   Ahwerewa



Nyanfa   Okaikrom     Senchi Methodist
Mponua   St. Lukes


Effiduase Effiduase District Hospital

Divine Grace Hospital

Kalita Family Hospital

    Motokrodua Ntunkumso Capital
District 15

(Source: District Health Directorate, Sekyere East-2024)

CHPS situation in the district

Sub –


Communities Demarcated






Completed compounds Functional

CHPS with






Asokore 13 10 10 1 3 18 1
Nyanfa 10 3 3 0 0 19 0
Mponua 7 4 4 0 0 10 1
Effiduase 8 9 9 1 2 10 1
District 38 26 26 2 5 57 3

organisation health mandate


The mission is to contribute to socio- economic development by promoting health and vitality through access to quality health for all people living in Ghana using motivated personnel Vision

The vision of the health sector is to have a healthy population for national development

sector goal

The goal of the health sector is to have a healthy and productive population that reproduces itself safely

Dr. Justice Ofori-Amoah

DDHS-Sekyere East District